@article{3454, keywords = {Editors Note}, author = {Carlos Enrique Montenegro-Marín}, title = {Editor’s Note}, abstract = {This regular issue consists of 16 articles that use artificial intelligence or computational systems to come up with new solutions and solve problems more effectively. The issue showcases the use of Artificial Intelligence or computational systems that contribute to new knowledge with innovative applications. In this issue you can find different articles on game theory, models for collaborative filtering, text classification, fake news detection system, identification system, semi eager classifier, longitudinal segmented analysis, etc. }, year = {2024}, journal = {International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence}, volume = {8}, chapter = {3}, number = {6}, pages = {3-4}, month = {06/2024}, issn = {1989-1660}, url = {https://www.ijimai.org/journal/bibcite/reference/3454}, doi = {10.9781/ijimai.2024.05.002}, }