01254nas a2200229 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002260001200043653002900055653001100084653002400095653003200119653003000151100001600181700001800197245011400215856005800329300001000387490000600397520060700403022001401010 2025 d c03/202510aArtificial Hallucination10aEthics10aHuman Hallucination10aHuman-Machine Collaboration10aMorals and Responsibility1 aAhmed Tlili1 aDaniel Burgos00aAI Hallucinations? What About Human Hallucination?! Addressing Human Imperfection Is Needed for an Ethical AI uhttps://www.ijimai.org/journal/bibcite/reference/3551 a68-710 v93 aThis study discusses how the human imperfection nature, also known as the human hallucination, could contribute to or emphasize technology (generally) and Artificial Intelligence (AI, particularly) hallucination. While the ongoing debate puts more efforts on improving AI for its ethical use, a shift should be made to also cover us, humans, who are the technology designer, developer, and user. Identifying and understanding the link between human and AI hallucination will ultimately help to develop effective and safe AI-powered systems that could have some positive societal impact in the long run. a1989-1660