IJIMAI 2017 - Regular Issue - Vol. 4 Issue 4

  • Year: 2017
  • Vol: 4
  • Number: 4

The research works presented in this issue are based on various topics of interest, among which are included: Radar Clutter, Radar Detectors Performance, Butterfly Optimization Algorithm, Artificial Bee Colony, Evolutionary strategy, Fractal Coding, User Experience, Handwritten Arabic Character Recognition, Feature Extraction, Embedded Hidden Markov Models, Artificial Immune System, Hopfield Neural Network, Browsers, Multimedia, MoCap and Animations. 

The International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence provides an interdisciplinary forum in which scientists and professionals share their research results and report new advances on Artificial Intelligence tools and tools that use Artificial Intelligence with interactive multimedia techniques.

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IJIMAI 2017 - Special Issue on Advances and Applications in the IoT and Cloud Computing - Vol. 4 Issue 3

  • Year: 2017
  • Vol: 4
  • Number: 3

This Special Issue tries to show some of the latest researches related to IoT with special emphasis on the basic components of IoT, some of the major applications in which researchers and practitioners are working  and especially in aspects related to security, one of the main areas of research related to IoT, with a special emphasis on cloud-based systems. 

The International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence provides an interdisciplinary forum in which scientists and professionals can share their research results and report new advances on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Multimedia techniques.

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IJIMAI 2016 - Regular Issue - Vol. 4 Issue 2

  • Year: 2016
  • Vol: 4
  • Number: 2

The research works presented in this regular issue cover different fields of application such as medicine, industry or education, proposing solutions based on various topics of interest, as for example: neural networks, neuro-fuzzy systems, case-based reasoning systems, image retrieval, classification, feature selection, meta-heuristics, constraint satisfaction, or knowledge-based systems.

The International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence provides an interdisciplinary forum in which scientists and professionals share their research results and report new advances on Artificial Intelligence tools and tools that use Artificial Intelligence with interactive multimedia techniques.

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IJIMAI 2016 - Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence Underpinning - Vol. 4 Issue 1

  • Year: 2016
  • Vol: 4
  • Number: 1

The research works presented in this issue are based on various topics of interest, among which are included: Pattern Recognition, Multimedia Information Retrieval, Knowledge extraction and knowledge mining, Data mining, Intelligent Systems & Artificial Intelligence, Wireless Technology, Network Telecommunication, Security & Network Management, Advanced Network Technologies. 

The International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence provides an interdisciplinary forum in which scientists and professionals can share their research results and report new advances on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Multimedia techniques.

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IJIMAI 2016 - Regular Issue - Vol. 3 Issue 7

  • Year: 2016
  • Vol: 3
  • Number: 7

The research works presented in this issue are based on various topics of interest, among which are included: SVM and ANN Based Classification, Security in Android, Semantic Data, Planning and Software Agents, Mission Planning, Clustering in Text Mining, Mobile Networks, Weather Radars, Human Activity Recognition, LIF Neurons and DDF, Theft Prevention, Constraint Programming, Measuring Meditations Effects, Neural Networks and Deep Learning.

The International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence provides an interdisciplinary forum in which scientists and professionals can share their research results and report new advances on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Multimedia techniques.

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IJIMAI 2016 - Special Issue on Big Data and AI - Vol. 3 Issue 6

  • Year: 2016
  • Vol: 3
  • Number: 6

Digital information has redefined the way in which both public and private organizations are faced with the use of data to improve decision making. The importance of Big Data lies in the huge amount of data generated every day, especially following the emergence of online social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, etc.) and the exponential growth of devices such as smartphones, smartwatches and other wearables, sensor networks, etc. as well as the possibility of taking into account increasingly updated and more varied information for decision making.

With proper Big Data analysis we can spot trends, get models from historical data for predicting future events or extract patterns from user behaviour, and thus be able to tailor services to the needs of users in a better way.

Using Big Data is becoming widespread among organizations of all kinds. It is a fact that large companies, start-ups, government agencies and non-governmental organizations are gradually being encouraged to use microdata generated by digital devices to operate more efficiently. When these microdata are aggregated they turn into massive amounts of data which require specialized tools and skills to be managed.

The challenge organizations are facing is that the increasing amount of data is too large or too unstructured to be managed and analysed with traditional methods. Think of the data derived from the sequence of clicks from the Web, social media content - tweets, blogs, Facebook wall postings (Facebook alone accounts for more than 1 billion active users generating social interaction content. Google processes on average over 53 thousand search queries per second, making it over 4.6 billion in a single day) - or radio frequency identification systems, which generate up to a thousand times more data than conventional barcode systems (12 million RFID tags – used to capture data and track movement of objects in physical world – had been sold in by 2011. By 2021, it is estimated that that number will have risen to 209 billion. Walmart manages more than 1 million customer transactions per hour). In the World 10.000 payment card transactions are recorded every second. The amount of data transferred over mobile networks increased by 81% to 1.5 Exabyte per month between 2012 and 2014. More than 5 billion people make phone calls, send text messages and surf the Internet with mobile phones. Every day they send 340 million tweets (4.000 per second!). To date they’ve generated 2.5 trillion bytes of data. However, very little of this information is in the form of rows and columns of traditional databases.

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IJIMAI 2015 - Regular Issue - Vol. 3 Issue 5

  • Year: 2015
  • Vol: 3
  • Number: 5

The research works presented in this issue are based on various topics of interest, among which are included: DSL, Machine Learning, Information hiding, Steganography, SMA, RTECTL, SMT-based bounded model checking, STS, Spatial sound, X3D, X3DOM, Web Audio API, Web3D, Real-time, Realistic 3D, 3D Audio, Apache Wave, API, Collaborative, Pedestrian Inertial, Navigation System, Indoor Location, Learning Algorithms and Information Fusion.

The International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence provides an interdisciplinary forum in which scientists and professionals can share their research results and report new advances on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Multimedia techniques.


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IJIMAI 2015 - Special Issue on Teaching Mathematics Using New and Classic Tools - Vol. 3 Issue 4

  • Year: 2015
  • Vol: 3
  • Number: 4

This special issue, Teaching Mathematics using new and classic tools, concentrates on the practical and experimental teaching in advanced Mathematics in Engineering. The selected papers deal with the most relevant issues in the field, such as Mathematical learning and other different subjects in which Mathematics are needed, Advanced Mathematics, the development of different studied using Masive Open Online courser (MOOCs) or even the history of E-Learning and Mathematics. The result is a collection of experimental validations, mathematical papers and MOOCs studies which constitutes a clear contribution to the state of the art.

Teaching Mathematics is always hard since most of the students have the feeling that this field is not really applicable and not interesting at all. Although it is well known that Mathematics are present in almost all actions of life, as for exampe the design of a car or even shopping, it is complicated to make people understand this matter due to the fact that this Mathematics are camouflaged in the background. Moroever, there exists another problem: Student find Mathematics as a very tough subject, which is comupulsory, so many of the students have no motivation at all with the subject which constitutes another worry to teachers.

On the other hand, it is also known that one of the main benefits of using ICTs in a classroom is that teachers can motivate their students in almost every area and taking into account that, as previously remarked, this area is specially hard, we have to investigate all the possibilities that can make teaching easier. In this scene, E-Learning can be a very useful tool and we, as teachers, must get all the juice to it. The use of ICT and E-Learning have been increased exponentially in recent years both in school/college classrooms and University classrooms up to flood them with resources for a more meaningful learning in all areas of knowledgement.

In the last years, many authors are concerned with this problem and are putting all efforts in desgining new Websites related to Mathematics and their teaching, investigating how math skills are acquired in different virtual environments or even developing different E-Learning environments which allow teachers evaluate their students in a compact and computerized way. Therefore, many other authors have focused their studies in the field of teaching mathematics using E-Learning.

Over the past decade, the number of students that need specific mathematical courses is increasing every year leaded up to the requirement of developing different MOOCs which help students to understand better the basic concepts and can allow them to see different practical examples. Some authors have study this Mathematical MOOCS.

Finally, the increasing number of research mathematicians has experienced an extraordinary growth and all the studies indicate that this trend will continue in the coming years. Some of this recent research is focused on developing new computer tools that can be used both as an aid to the investigation as in the classroom in order to explain advanced Mathematics. 

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IJIMAI 2015 - Regular Issue - Vol. 3 Issue 3

  • Year: 2015
  • Vol: 3
  • Number: 3

The research works presented in this issue are based on various topics of interest, among which are included: 3D Interface, Information Extraction, Artificial immune system, Security  in Cloud Computing, Genetic Algorithm, Activity recognition, 3D Render Distribution, Software visualization, Event Perception, New Programming Language, Distributed computing, MOOC environments, etc.

The International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence provides an interdisciplinary forum in which scientists and professionals can share their research results and report new advances on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Multimedia techniques.

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IJIMAI 2015 - Special Issue on Digital Economy - Vol. 3 Issue 2

  • Year: 2015
  • Vol: 3
  • Number: 2

The term 'Digital Economy' was coined for the first time by Don Tapscott in 1995 in his best-seller The Digital Economy: Promise and Peril in the Age of Networked Intelligence. When he wrote the book 20 years ago, he announced how he thought the Internet would fully transform the nature of business and government. We have now extended the concept, illustrating how digital technologies are rapidly transforming business practices, the economy and societies. Technology, and its impact on business strategy and society, continues to rise in importance. The Digital Economy, sometimes also called “Digital Business” has become a philosophy for many top executive teams as they seek competitive advantages in a world of fast moving technological change. When we talk about digital technologies, we are not only talking about the internet, nor only ICT (Information and Communications Technology), but other concepts such as mobile, telecommunications or content. The digital economy is by no means an exclusively economic concept. Therefore, it might be more appropriate to speak of digital society or digital technology. What matters is that digital is a transverse concept that affects individuals, businesses and public administrations.

People are progressively entering the digital world. In our daily life we are in direct contact with digital devices such as cars, electrical appliances etc. People increasingly communicate digitally; through mobile devices, internet, and social networks. In addition, our leisure, education and health are largely being integrated into a digital environment.

Likewise, organizations are progressively incorporating digital technology in their production and distribution processes, conducting research and also in the process of decision making. In this sense the emergence of Big Data has been one factor that has accelerated an already observed trend.

Public administrations and political institutions are incorporating digital into both their internal procedures and in their relationships with citizens. An example is the role played by Big Data in the two elections won by Obama. Another example may be the way the ISIS terrorist group uses social networking to publicize their activities and secure funding.

But digital technology and information are not only affecting the daily behavior of individuals, businesses and public administrations. They are also playing a very prominent role in the knowledge of the fundamental laws of nature. In this sense we can highlight the contribution of digital technology in the computer modeling of fundamental elements of life, and consequently in the creation of artificial life. Likewise, you may also note the role in deepening the knowledge of the universe.

Bearing in mind that Digital Economy is becoming more relevant from the economic perspective, we decided to star this issue with something unusual in this magazine: a paper that discusses the economy. It’s interesting from our point of view, as it underscores the fact that digital technologies, which of course include Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Multimedia, are not only relevant from the technical point of view, but from the business and society perspective as well.

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