IJIMAI 2015 - Special Issue on Teaching Mathematics Using New and Classic Tools - Vol. 3 Issue 4

Submitted by ruben.gonzalez on Sun, 08/30/2015 - 00:21

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We would like to announce the new special issue of the journal.

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IJIMAI 2015 - Special Issue on Teaching Mathematics Using New and Classic Tools - Vol. 3 Issue 4

Year: 2015, Vol: 3, Number: 4          application/pdf icon

This special issue, Teaching Mathematics using new and classic tools, concentrates on the practical and experimental teaching in advanced Mathematics in Engineering. The selected papers deal with the most relevant issues in the field, such as Mathematical learning and other different subjects in which Mathematics are needed, Advanced Mathematics, the development of different studied using Masive Open Online courser (MOOCs) or even the history of E-Learning and Mathematics. The result is a collection of experimental validations, mathematical papers and MOOCs studies which constitutes a clear contribution to the state of the art.

Teaching Mathematics is always hard since most of the students have the feeling that this field is not really applicable and not interesting at all. Although it is well known that Mathematics are present in almost all actions of life, as for exampe the design of a car or even shopping, it is complicated to make people understand this matter due to the fact that this Mathematics are camouflaged in the background. Moroever, there exists another problem: Student find Mathematics as a very tough subject, which is comupulsory, so many of the students have no motivation at all with the subject which constitutes another worry to teachers.

On the other hand, it is also known that one of the main benefits of using ICTs in a classroom is that teachers can motivate their students in almost every area and taking into account that, as previously remarked, this area is specially hard, we have to investigate all the possibilities that can make teaching easier. In this scene, E-Learning can be a very useful tool and we, as teachers, must get all the juice to it. The use of ICT and E-Learning have been increased exponentially in recent years both in school/college classrooms and University classrooms up to flood them with resources for a more meaningful learning in all areas of knowledgement.

In the last years, many authors are concerned with this problem and are putting all efforts in desgining new Websites related to Mathematics and their teaching, investigating how math skills are acquired in different virtual environments or even developing different E-Learning environments which allow teachers evaluate their students in a compact and computerized way. Therefore, many other authors have focused their studies in the field of teaching mathematics using E-Learning.

Over the past decade, the number of students that need specific mathematical courses is increasing every year leaded up to the requirement of developing different MOOCs which help students to understand better the basic concepts and can allow them to see different practical examples. Some authors have study this Mathematical MOOCS.

Finally, the increasing number of research mathematicians has experienced an extraordinary growth and all the studies indicate that this trend will continue in the coming years. Some of this recent research is focused on developing new computer tools that can be used both as an aid to the investigation as in the classroom in order to explain advanced Mathematics. 

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    Collaboration Conferences 2015

    IEEE - DCAI 2015:  10th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence

    IAIT2S - 15: International conference on Advanced Information Technology, Services and Systems




        IMAI Research Group Council

        Executive Director - Dr. Jesús Soto Carrión, Pontifical University of Salamanca, Spain
        Research Director - Dr. Rubén González Crespo, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja - UNIR, Spain
        Financial Director - Dr. Oscar Sanjuán Martínez, ElasticBox, USA
        Office of Publications Director - Lic. Ainhoa Puente, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja - UNIR, Spain
        Director, Latin-America regional board - Dr. Carlos Enrique Montenegro Marín, Francisco José de Caldas District University, Colombia


        Dr. Rubén González Crespo, Dean
        School of Engineering, Universidad Internacional de  La Rioja - UNIR
        Almansa, 101, Madrid Office, Spain

        Associate Editors

        Dr. Jordán Pascual Espada, ElasticBox, USA
        Dr. Juan Pavón Mestras, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
        Dr. Alvaro Rocha, University of Coimbra, Portugal
        Dr. Jörg Thomaschewski, Hochschule Emden/Leer, Emden, Germany
        Dr. Carlos Enrique Montenegro Marín, Francisco José de Caldas District University, Colombia

        Editorial Board Members

        Dr. Rory McGreal, Athabasca University, Canada
        Dr. Abelardo Pardo, University of Sidney, Australia
        Dr. Lei Shu, Osaka University, Japan
        Dr. León Welicki, Microsoft, USA
        Dr. Enrique Herrera, University of Granada, Spain
        Dr. Francisco Chiclana, De Montfort University, United Kingdom
        Dr. Luis Joyanes Aguilar, Pontifical University of Salamanca, Spain
        Dr. Ioannis Konstantinos Argyros, Cameron University, USA
        Dr. Juan Manuel Cueva Lovelle, University of Oviedo, Spain
        Dr. Francisco Mochón Morcillo, National Distance Education University, Spain 
        Dr. Manuel Pérez Cota, University of Vigo, Spain
        Dr. Walter Colombo, Hochschule Emden/Leer, Emden, Germany
        Dr. Javier Bajo Pérez, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain
        Dr. Jinlei Jiang, Dept. of Computer Science & Technology, Tsinghua University, China
        Dra. B. Cristina Pelayo G. Bustelo, University of Oviedo, Spain
        Dr. Cristian Iván Pinzón, Technological University of Panama. Panama
        Dr. José Manuel Sáiz Álvarez, Nebrija University, Spain
        Dr. Vijay Bhaskar Semwal, Siemens, India
        Dr. Daniel Burgos,Universidad Internacional de La Rioja - UNIR, Spain
        Dr. JianQiang Li, NEC Labs, China
        Dr. David Quintana, Carlos III University, Spain
        Dr. Ke Ning, CIMRU, NUIG, Ireland
        Dr. Alberto Magreñán, Real Spanish Mathematical Society, Spain
        Dra. Monique Janneck, Lübeck University of Applied Sciences, Germany
        Dra. Carina González, La Laguna University, Spain
        Dr. David L. La Red Martínez, National University of North East, Argentina
        Dr. Juan Francisco de Paz Santana, University of Salamanca, Spain
        Dr. Héctor Fernández, INRIA, Rennes, France
        Dr. Yago Saez, Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain
        Dr. Andrés G. Castillo Sanz, Pontifical University of Salamanca, Spain
        Dr. Pablo Molina, Autonoma University of Madrid, Spain
        Dr. Jesús Barrasa, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain
        Dr. José Miguel Castillo, SOFTCAST Consulting, Spain
        Dr. Sukumar Senthilkumar, University Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
        Dr. Holman Diego Bolivar Barón, Catholic University of Colombia, Colombia
        Dra. Sara Rodríguez González, University of Salamanca, Spain
        Dr. José Javier Rainer Granados, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja - UNIR, Spain
        Dr. Edward Rolando Nuñez Valdez, Open Software Foundation, Spain
        Dr. Luis de la Fuente Valentín, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja - UNIR, Spain
        Dr. Paulo Novais, University of Minho, Portugal
        Dr. Giovanny Tarazona, Francisco José de Caldas District University, Colombia
        Dr. Javier Alfonso Cedón, University of León, Spain
        Dr. Sergio Ríos Aguilar, Corporate University of Orange, Spain

        Topics covered by IJIMAI include but are not limited to:

        Artificial Intelligence

        • AI and Multimedia techniques for enhanced accesibility systems.
        • AI in Games.
        • AI for Software Engineering.
        • AI for Ubiquitous Computing.
        • AI for Web Intelligence Applications.
        • AI Parallel Processing Tools (hardware/software).
        • AI Tools for CAD and VLSI
        • AI Tools for Computer Vision and Speech Understanding.
        • AI Tools for Multimedia, Cognitive Informatics.
        • AI components for Service Oriented Arquitectures (SOA).
        • Neural Networks for AI.
        • Fuzzy logic systems.
        • Case base reasoning systems.
        • Heuristic and AI Planning Strategies and Tools,
        • Natural Language Understanding.

        Data Mining and Knowledge Management

        • Knowledge-Based/Expert Systems.
        • Knowledge Management and Processing Tools.
        • Knowledge Representation Languages.
        • Data Mining and Machine Learning Tools.

        Semantic Web, Web Services an Networks

        • Semantic Web.
        • Semantic Reasoners.
        • Semantic web services.
        • Upper ontologies.

        Interactive Multimedia

        • Visual Perception.
        • Analysis/Design/Testing.
        • Social networks.
        • Human Computer Interactions
        • User Experience


        • Multimedia and artificial intelligence components for Bioinformatics systems.
        • Intelligent Services (Rule based systems). ILOG / JESS / MS Business Rules / Yasu technologies.
        • OpenCyc in real applications.
        • Reasoning using belief networks (MSBNx, GENIE, BNJ, Weka, etc...).

        IJIMAI welcomes submissions of scientific papers, which will be peer-reviewed. These articles should be prepared following the journal's official format and submitted through the official online submission system. Scientific research papers make up the core of the issues of IJIMAI. IJIMAI also considers less technical and shorter articles for inclusion, which can be useful for the scientific community:

        • Short articles reporting on PhD theses recently defended in the technical areas relevant to the journal. Articles in this category are typically expected to be one page long and will contain information like the abstract of the thesis, details of the viva (date, place, members of the examination board) and a photo of the event. This article can be written by the student or by one of the supervisors.
        • Opinion articles and letters which can help our community to reflect, discuss or encourage debate and joint work in certain areas.

        Articles in any of these two categories should also be prepared following the journal's official format, but should not be submitted through the official submissions webpage, but sent directly to co-Editors-in-Chief. These types of papers will not be peer-reviewed. The co-Editors-in-Chief will decide on the inclusion of these articles.

        IJIMAI Team