Effects of a Flipped Classroom Learning System Integrated With ChatGPT on Students: a Survey From China
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Abstract |
In design education, patterns and symbols representing traditional national cultures are often utilized as teaching materials. However, conventional teaching methods frequently fall short in aiding students' comprehension of these intricate symbolisms and abstract concepts, leading to reduced engagement and ineffective learning outcomes. Therefore, we aim to explore whether ChatGPT, as a powerful tool, can assist in solving this problem. Specifically, we integrate ChatGPT into a flipped classroom learning system to assess its effectiveness in enhancing students' understanding of traditional Chinese culture. This research contributes to the feasibility of integrating ChatGPT in design education, particularly in the context of Chinese culture. Additionally, it serves as an exploratory attempt to apply ChatGPT in teaching practices within the field of design.
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International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence
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Regular issue
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