IJIMAI - Effects of Culture on Open Science and Artificial Intelligence in Education

Dear Reader,

We are pleased to announce a new Special Issue that IJIMAI is organizing. The central theme is Effects of Culture on Open Science and Artificial Intelligence in Education. The deadline to upload the papers is January 31, 2024.
For more information you can visit the following link: https://www.ijimai.org/journal/sites/default/files/ijimai/web/special_issues/call-Effects_Cult_OS_AI_Edu.pdf

Best regards,

IJIMAI - Effects of Culture on Open Science and Artificial Intelligence in Education

Dear Member of the Editorial Board,

We are pleased to announce a new Special Issue that IJIMAI is organizing. The central theme is Effects of Culture on Open Science and Artificial Intelligence in Education. The deadline to upload the papers is January 31, 2024.
For more information you can visit the following link: https://www.ijimai.org/journal/sites/default/files/ijimai/web/special_issues/call-Effects_Cult_OS_AI_Edu.pdf

Best regards,

IJIMAI 2023 - Special Issue on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems - Vol. 8 Issue 3

Dear Reader,


We would like to announce the new Special Issue of the journal.


Best regards,


Rubén González Crespo 




IJIMAI 2023 - Special Issue on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems - Vol. 8 Issue 3

Dear Member of the Editorial Board,


We would like to announce the new Special Issue of the journal.


Best regards,


Rubén González Crespo 




IJIMAI 2023 - Special Issue on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems - Vol. 8 Issue 3


Research in Agents and Multiagent Systems has matured significantly in recent years, representing one of the main branches of Artificial Intelligence and currently there are numerous effective applications of these technologies combined with Deep Learning, Computer Vision or Natural Language Processing, including areas such as healthcare and Ambient Intelligence, smart cities and mobility, Industry 4.0, educational technology, and fintech, among many others.

IJIMAI 2023 - News

Dear Member of the Editorial Board,


We are pleased to share two fascinating news for us. We hope it will be interesting for you. 

IJIMAI 2023 - News

Dear reader, 


We are pleased to share two fascinating news for us. We hope it will be interesting for you.